Rio Guadalupe Resort now offers guided fishing trips. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO

Stay Happy, Healthy, and Active During the Pandemic

On April 30, 2020

rv park texas

With restrictions in place to slow the spread of COVID-19, people all over the world are struggling to cope with the stress that accompanies social distancing and isolation. Even though we are all making tremendous sacrifices, that doesn’t mean you should neglect your physical and mental health. Take a moment for self-care with these tips for staying happy, healthy, and active during self-quarantine. 

TIP: Make time for daily exercise.

Everyone knows that physical activity improves your overall health and reduces the risk of heart disease, but did you know that exercise also boosts your mood? Physical activity triggers a positive feeling in your body, which is great for anxiety and stress. 

The American Heart Association recommends that adults…

  • Get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both preferably spread throughout the week.

Don’t find the time to exercise, make time to exercise! When you “find the time” to exercise, you’ve already decided to make working out your lowest priority. However, when you “make the time” to workout, you send a message to your brain (and other people) that you’ve scheduled this time for yourself, no matter what. You deserve to be a priority!

TIP: Consider doing some yoga.

If you live in an urban environment, it may be difficult to find a secluded outdoor space for exercise. Luckily, there are plenty of exercises that you can do indoors. Yoga is an excellent practice for improving posture, mental clarity, and physical health. Working from home now? Perfect! Take a break from your day to reset your body and mind with Vinyasa Flow Yoga.

Practicing yoga will increase your flexibility, strengthen and tone your muscles, and is an amazing way to relax while restoring energy and vitality.

TIP: Complete a workout challenge.

This is the perfect time to complete that workout challenge you’ve been postponing! If you are missing social interaction, invite others to join in on the fun. Your friends and family will appreciate the healthy distraction. 

TIP: Schedule some family time.

If you are isolating at home with family members, plan a game night or start a special project! Designate at least an hour a day to do something fun with your loved ones. Chances are, you’ll create truly unique memories that you’ll all cherish for a lifetime! 

TIP: Stay in touch.

Don’t forget to check on your friends and family from time to time. Just because you can’t physically be with someone, doesn’t mean you can’t get on a video call with them! The Facetime feature on iPhones is perfect for one-on-one calls with friends and family. Want to get the whole gang together? Plan a group chat with Zoom

Rio Guadalupe Resort in New Braunfels, Texas

We look forward to seeing you again!

Starting May 1st, Rio Guadalupe Resort will open again for recreational stays. Although common areas and tubing operations will remain closed for now, our 25-acre property offers plenty of room to roam along the Guadalupe River in Texas.


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